Insights on the European Union, trade instruments and Global Value Chain regulation

The link between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU’s trade policy is well-established. The EU has been integrating labour standards, environmental and human rights obligations into its trade agreements for over a decade. But, under the auspices of the Green Deal, the EU has begun supplementing its regulatory approach.
Companies increasingly organise their production and production processes globally. That process of breaking up value chains into smaller parts located worldwide results in so-called global value chains (GVCs). The nexus between international trade and global production processes is self-evident. Heralded by the EU’s 2021 Trade Policy Review, and the 2022 'Communication on the power of trade partnerships: together for green and just economic growth', a number of new legal instruments are in the pipeline. From a ban on products made from forced labour, to new supply chain due diligence rules, these additions to the EU trade toolkit are focused on regulating so-called “global value chains”.
In addition to rolling updates on developments in this field (see the posts), you will find static resources including links to the legislation and primers. No spin. Just as it is.